①真のおじぎをする |
Make a formal bow |
②掛物を拝見し、花・花入れを拝見する |
View the scroll, and then flowers and the flower container |
③右足で縁を超える |
Cross the tatami edging with your right foot |
④縁を踏まないようにする |
Be careful not to step on the tatami edging |
⑤亭主が菓子をすすめる |
The host asks you to take the sweet. |
⑥受け礼をする |
Respond to the host’s request and make a bow |
⑦お菓子を頂戴します |
I will partake of the sweet. |
⑧次礼をする |
Make a bow to the next guest |
⑨お先に頂戴します |
Excuse me for going before you |
⑩菓子鉢を両手で取る |
Take the bowl for sweets with both your hands |